Vljudno vabljeni na predavanje gostujočega predavatelja dr. Thomasa Newsoma iz University of Sydney (Avstralija) in Oregon State University (ZDA). Thomas bo primerjal vlogi dveh plenilcev v ekosistemu – dinga v Avstraliji in volka v Severni Ameriki – ter predstavil izzive varstva teh dveh karizmatičnih vrst.
Naslov predavanja:
The big bad wolf and baby stealing dingo: a cross continent comparison of two controversial top predators.
The wolf and the dingo are two species that have suffered range contractions due to persecution by humans. However, recent studies have shown that the removal of these top predators has had dramatic impacts on ecosystems. In this talk I will provide a historical overview of the ecological role of the wolf in North America and the dingo in Australia. In doing so, I will review the evidence for and against maintaining these top predators in the ecosystem. I will conclude by outlining the challenges associated with preventing conflicts between people and large carnivores.
Predavanje bo v ponedeljek, 10. novembra ob 18:00 v predavalnici B3 na Oddelku za biologijo (Večna pot 111, Ljubljana). Predavanje bo v angleščini.